Syllables All About ...!

the syllables

Syllable Definition:

Syllable is defined as each of the divisions phonological that divides a word.

Classification of Syllables:

Unstressed syllables / tonic. Syllables can get stronger or not as we emphasize pronunciation. We find, therefore unstressed syllables (normal) or tonic (pronounced slightly stronger than previous). In Spanish, almost all words have only one stressed syllable. As an example the words resulting esdrújula, watchful, angel (marked in bold italics the stressed syllable and the unstressed italicized). Very rarely have two (words ending in-ly, or automatically).

Syllables short / long or light / heavy. In some languages ​​like Latin, Classical Greek, Japanese or Sanskrit there are intermediate structures between the phoneme and syllable. Typically the intermediate units are called blackberries. Usually in these languages ​​each syllable can be divided into a number of blackberries. The single mora syllables are called short or light, and more than one syllable are long or heavy arrears. In the languages ​​mentioned blackberries number, ie, whether a syllable is short or long (light or heavy) has an impact on the position of the accent.

Syllables open / closed . Another important distinction in some languages ​​if the syllable has or lacks syllabic coda . The coda syllables are called open and those closed are called coda . In most modern European languages ​​the syllabic nucleus can only be a vowel, and therefore ending in a vowel syllables are called open and finished consonant syllables are called closed.


Depending on the number of syllables, words are classified as:

Monosyllabic : one syllable in Spanish is not emphasized unless there are two words equal to differentiate (tilde diacritical ) or in cases such as certain exclamatory and interrogative . Exs . : Do, re, mi , fa, sol , la, si ...

Two-syllable , two syllables. Exs . : Heat, hand, tree , book ...
Trisyllabic : three syllables . Exs . : Repeat , orchestra, collect ...
Tetrasílaba : four syllables. Exs . : Chocolate , rail , constitution .
Polysyllabic : five or more syllables . Exs . : Computer , remembrance, generosity

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